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RE 091 — Maidan Valley

Panorama of a village in an open plain about 30 km SW of Kabul, on the way to Ghazni.
[Album:] Maidan Valley view Kabul-Ghuznee road. [S&M List:] 2-40/41 Valley of Maidan.
  • Original:
    Chatham: Box No.: E5, Album No.: 4/5, Page No.: 8 + 9
  • Thackeray, E.T. (1881): Views of Kabul and Environs, pl. 22: identical photograph of the right part of the panorama.
  • [Parliamentary Blue Papers]: Afghanistan No. 1 (1881), pp. 28-29, in a telegram from L. Griffin, Chief Political Officer North and East Afghanistan to Lieutenant-General D. Stewart, dated May 8, 1880: "The Kabul, Logar, Maidan, and Wardak villages are those alone on which we can rely, and even here armed bands of insurgents only too often close the roads the moment our troops are withdrawn. These valleys although fertile are of but small area; and many of the villages, according to the revenue returns, only produce sufficient grain for their own consumption. The season, moreover, is not a favourable one; and while the outturn will be fair on irrigated lands, those dependent on rainfall will have a poor crop. [...]"
  • L.W. Adamec (1985): Kabul and southeast Afghanistan, pp. 535-543: Maidan Now Wardak, "In 1914 the province was described as follows: [...] The district is well irrigated and richly cultivated, and it is studded with numerous forts and villages. Large quantities of supplies of all kinds for man and beast are procurable from Maidan, in excess of the requirements of its population, and camel forage plentiful. [...] During the Afghan campaign of 1879-80, the Maidanis were conspicuous for their hostility to the British, and Muhammad Jan was able to raise a large contingent from amongst the inhabitants, when he advanced to Sherpur in December of the former year. (Masson, Hough, Havelock etc.)"
Image No
RE 091
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880 1878-1880
RE 057-099, Kabul Photographs
Two albumen paper with gold toning, 210/280 mm, mounted on cardboard
good, background faded
Lieu, date
Maidan, mid April 1880
  • 0401. Kota-i-Ashro
  • 1.57 Pictures of Landscapes, Cities
  • 2.126 Kabul and SE-Afghanistan
  • 4.364 Second A.-A. War (1878-1880)
  • Latitude / Longitude34.381689 / 68.848438
    Google Earthapprox. 34°23' N / 68°50' E / 2170 m
    Survey of India MapSheet 38 (1917), Kabul: MAIDAN, 2A 75

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