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RE Plan No. 05 A — Cabul Defences No. 5 A / Section through Fort Roberts

Section through the slope of Tapa Maranjan, also called Siah Sang, from Fort Roberts down to the well and to the plain, by the Royal Engineers under the command of Lieut.-Col. Æ. Perkins. / Litho. T.C. Press, Roorkee. / No. 1419-11.
[Plan, recto:] Cabul Defences No. 5 A / Fort Roberts on Siah Sung. / Sectional elevation on E F G H K L, see Plan No. 5.
  • Cabul Defences, Photos. No. 7, 8 and 9
  • Collection Royal Engineers, Photos-No. RE 074, RE 075 and RE 102
Image No
RE Plan No. 05 A
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880 1878-1880
RE 100-115, Confidential Photographs/Plans
Original drawing: 430/1080 mm (in two parts)
Original drawing: good
Lieu, date
Kabul, 1880
  • 0101. Kabul City
  • 1.53 City Maps
  • 2.126 Kabul and SE-Afghanistan
  • 4.364 Second A.-A. War (1878-1880)
  • 4.83 Military Installations, Buildings
  • Latitude / Longitude34.515080 / 69.203376
    Google Earth34°31' N / 69°12' E / 1850 m
    Survey of India MapSheet 38 (1917), Kabul: Kabul, 2B 26

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