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ILN 1928, 11 — In the Billiards-Room at the Royal Palace

Three gentlemen playing billiard
from left to right:
1 King Amanullah Khan (1892-1919-1929-1960), son of Amir Habibullah Khan (;
2 Mohammad Hasan, son of Mhd Omar (, Chamberlain;
3 ?
Western ways of an Eastern ruler: the King of Afghanistan.
In the Billiards-Room at the royal palace: the King of Afghanistan (left); his Chamberlain (next); and an officer of the court. Thanks to the publicity given to his Majesty the King of Afghanistan’s present journey, it has become general knowledge that King Amanullah is very European in his personal tastes and in his methods as a ruler. As we have noted before, his Majesty said, at a farewell gathering at Kabul that Afghanistan had said good-bye to her stationary position, and had joined the social and living nations of the day. Already he had reformed the internal state of the country, and now he wished to acquaint himself with the present mode of living in Europe. Certain customs of that continent were being adopted in Afghanistan, and he wished further to introduce those which he thought desirable. [...]
  • Adamec (1975), p. 118-119, 197; (1987), p. 18-19; (1991), p. 28-29; (1996), p. 52-53
  • L’Illustration (21 Janvier 1928), p. 59: the same photograph, in a slightly better quality, „Autour du billard, au palais royal. De gauche à droite : le roi, son chambellan et un officier de la Cour.“
Image No
ILN 1928, 11
The Illustrated London News
ILN 1927-28, King Amanullah’s Journey to Europe
Print of a photograph, fair
Lieu, date
Kabul, 192?
  • 0101. Kabul City
  • 1.56 Pictures of People
  • 2.126 Kabul and SE-Afghanistan
  • 3.131 High Society
  • 3.242 Games for Adults
  • 4.371 Emir/King Amanullah (1919-1929)
  • Vous en savez plus sur cette photo?
