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Inside view of the ongoing construction work of the main fortification on top of the Koh-e Asma’i, looking SSW from the roof of the northern barracks.
Place, date
Kabul, Koh-e Asmai, 1879/80
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880
RE 100-115, Confidential Photographs/Plans
RE 108
Inside view of the ongoing construction work of the main fortification on top of the Koh-e Asma’i, taken from the southern bastion in northern direction.
Place, date
Kabul, Koh-e Asmai, 1879/80
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880
RE 100-115, Confidential Photographs/Plans
RE 109
Inside view of the ongoing construction work of the main fortification on top of the Koh-e Asma’i, taken from the western wall in NE direction.
Place, date
Kabul, Koh-e Asmai, 1879/80
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880
RE 100-115, Confidential Photographs/Plans
RE 110
On the plain, inside Sherpur cantonment, about 50 small and 60 medium-sized Afghan guns in five rows, together with a disorderly pile of gun and mortar barrels. The wheels of these guns were afterwards used for the improvised NW fortifications of the cantonment, as shown on photo no. RE 083.
This photograph is only slightly different from RE 084, as it was taken from the roof of a one-storey building.
Place, date
Kabul, Sherpur Cantonment, winter 1879/80
Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive 1878-1880
RE 100-115, Confidential Photographs/Plans
RE 111