RS 398 — Eingangsportal des ziyarats
|RS 398-1|
Vor dem gegen Westen gerichteten Eingangs-Portal zum Innenhof des ziyarats sitzen zahlreiche Sufi und Pilger in der wärmenden Abendsonne.
[Filmverzeichnis:] Eingang.
- R. Stuckert (1994): Erinnerungen an Afghanistan, S. 66: „[…] Die Gebäudegruppe dient vielen Blinden als Heimstätte, die von den milden Gaben der Wallfahrer leben. […]“
- C. E. Yate (1887): Notes on the City of Hirát, S. 87: “The entrance to the shrine lies at the eastern end of the main courtyard, through a doorway under a high arched vestibule and across a covered corridor, paved with slabs of white marble, worn and polished into the most dangerous state of slipperiness by, presumably, the feet of countless pilgrims. Roundabout this door sit Mullás, beggars and pilgrims of sorts, in addition to the numerous blind Háfiz or reciters of the Qurán who here seem to act as the general showmen of the place.”
S. 87: “Passing through the entrance one emerges into a square courtyard surrounded by high walls and little rooms, with a lofty half-domed portico at the eastern end, the tile work on which is very much out of repair. It is generally the custom to engrave the date of any mausoleum over the entrance door, but there is no date engraved on this.”
“On either side of the entrance are the usual retiring rooms with arched prayer niches. […]” - N. H. Wolfe; I. Hansen; B. McCulloch (1966): Herat, a pictorial guide, S. 50: “[…] An arched gateway stands in the centre of a long brick wall adorned with eight walled arches inscribed with mo’aqqali script in royal-blue and persian-blue tile in the manner of the decoration on the base of Queen Gawhar-Shad’s mausoleum. Squat decorated bastions stand at either end of this wall.”
S. 50: “The interior of the five-sided half-domed portal is a favourite gathering place for members of the Brotherhood. The inscription on the outer facade of this portal dates from the time of Shah Abbas. […] Behind this the vestibule walls are covered with primitive art depicting gardens, mosques, and shrines painted within the last eighty years. Below the painting there is a verse from Jami in which he uses a play on words to describe Gazargah as the place where ‘the rain of the Divine Clemency there washes and makes spotless the souls of men.’ The calligraphy is by Khalifa Muhammad Husain Seljuki.” - L. Golombek (1969): The Timurid Shrine at Gazur Gah, S. 23: “The entrance-portal is composed of a five-sided bay, covered by a semi-dome, joined to an arched portal-screen. […] The door leading into the dihliz is in the centre of the bay, and the adjoining walls have deep arched niches. […] Over the door and the two niches three small windows admit light to the upper storey. […]”
“The turquoise and black glazed brick of the decoration done in banai-technique contributes to the kinetic spirit of the arches, forming chevron patterns in the semi-domes of the niches and the bay itself. Arched rectangular panels executed in inset-technique line the narrow outer walls of the bay. Some of the spandrels retain designs of mosaic-faience, but in others the original has been replaced by black and yellow majolica tile. Marble angle colonettes with stalactite capitals mark the turning points in the bay. The inscription of mosaic-faience which once ran beneath the windows of the bay is religious in content. […]” - L. W. Adamec (1975): Herat and north-western Afghanistan, S. 133: Gazargah.
- W. Ball (1981): Archaeological Gazetteer of Afghanistan, S. 103–104: Gazurgah.
- R. Samizay (1981): Islamic Architecture in Herat, S. 64–74: Gazargah.
- M. Fadaeian (2006): Herat Yesterday Today, S. 89–115: Khaje Abdullah Ansari.
Image No.
RS 398
Rudolf Stuckert 1940-1946
RS 387-412, Herat, Gazergah
Originalabzug 162/162 mm
sehr gut
Place, date
Herat, 1942
Latitude / Longitude34.374600 / 62.240430
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