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The Visit of Amir Habibullah Khan in India, 1907
AHI 01-24, Amir Habibullah in Agra
The Visit of Amir Habibullah Khan in India, 1907
AHI 01-24, Amir Habibullah in Agra
AHI 01 - 24
|AHI 01-1|
As in the Album the very first photograph is missing, it is replaced here by a copy of a photograph, taken at Jamrud, showing the arrival of Amir Habibullah Khan. On the way from the landau to the railway train, the ground is covered with carpets. The Amir is hidden behind the Afghan officer in front of him, walking between two British officers (one of them is most probably Major Sir Arthur Henry McMahon, KCIE, CSI, his official host for the whole journey through India) behind him a group of high ranking Afghans, among them Mhd Asef Khan and Mhd Yusof Khan.
Place, date
Jamrud, Thursday, January 3, 1907
The Visit of Amir Habibullah Khan in India, 1907
AHI 01-24, Amir Habibullah in Agra
AHI 01
|AHI 02-1|
The adorned railway station with high-ranking officials and a guard of honour of British infantry, waiting for the arrival of Amir Habibullah Khan.
Place, date
Agra Fort Railway Station, Wednesday, January 9, 1907
The Visit of Amir Habibullah Khan in India, 1907
AHI 01-24, Amir Habibullah in Agra
AHI 02